To make informed, high impact decisions, organisations need quick access to critical information and data across their whole line. The range of different systems used within companies makes the information hard to find. Customer information may be stored in one database, accounting and sales information in another and information about competitors may be found on the web.
Data collection
Most companies have a lot of data. Often this data is stored in different databases and even on different servers in different locations. |
A business intelligence tool like QlikView will let you gather and analyse data from any source.
Tired of Reports, Reports, Reports....
Often management is drowning in reports. Everyone wants to produce as good a report as possible resulting in endless time being spent trying to persuade the reader that their department is the most important within the business. QlikView and QlikWeb reduces the need for reports to a minimum.
An ordinary database or ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) gives you the opportunity to print a wide variety of different reports. These reports are predefined lists of data, hopefully sorted the way you want it. The problem is that they do not give you more than a static list of some assorted data. If you want any other information you have to print another report and then try to analyse the information manually or using Excel or some other tool.
With QlikView you will be able to analyse any subset of data and any type of relation within that data just by clicking on the item you want to analyse. Four "clicks" in QlikView often equals between 4-16 hours of work using ordinary reporting.
Raising profits
What means are there to raise the enterprise profits?
• Cutting costs
• Increasing productivity
• Targeting the right customers
• Finding the right products
• Finding the right suppliers
How do you know which costs to cut? What is the difference between the profitable sales team and the team with poor performance? Who is the best supplier if you compare both price, delivery and quality?
Graphically presenting information visualises the information
With a good Business Intelligence Application you will get answers to all these questions. You will truly get to know the essence of you business
Saving time Managers across the organisation normally spend days preparing all sorts of reports and top management is drowned in reports. Most reports do not get read. The amount of time/money spent on this is enormous.
• Weekly reports
• Monthly reports
• Project reports
• etc...
A good business intelligence tool will virtually diminish the time spent to prepare reports throughout the whole enterprise. Top management will have the same insight as middle management, thus eliminating the need for time consuming data gathering. Lower management reporting can instead include more of improvement proposals and concentrate on trying t o come up with means to rectify and explain any findings.